Last week Ryan and I went to two movies. The first being The Adjustment Bureau and the second being Source Code. For both movies, since we went at odd times (like a Tuesday at 7pm) we have the entire theater to ourselves. As we sat watching the previews for Source Code I mentioned to Ryan that rich people usually only get to have theaters to themselves and pay big bucks for it. We go it for $15 - ha! (Lifestyles of the rich and the famous...)
Source: Google Images |
Ryan: 3 3/4 stars our of 5 - "it was good, but it was still a love story." (to which I replied "See Ry, everyone loves a good love story!" he then rolled his eyes)
Ashley: 3 out of 5 stars - I thought the story line was a little shallow. The movie could have been more suspenseful, but it wasn't
Our recommendation would be: wait until it comes out for $1/night in RedBox :)
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