1) Ryan's parents came down to visit this past weekend. It is so hard to find good times for people to come down as I probably only have one full weekend a month off :( But that's besides the point. They came down this last weekend and it was good to see them. The weather was awful - cold and rainy. It really felt like winter was right around the corner. They got in late Friday night. I stayed up just long enough to say hi and then I hit the sack. I had been up since 5:00 am and they got in somewhere around 10:30ish if I remember correctly. I slept in on Saturday. Oh Man!! Let me tell you, it felt SO good to sleep in :) Since the weather was bad, we just hung out around the house. Ryan and his dad made some chex mix. I tired my hand at making homemade apple sauce as Steve and Renee brought down a big bag of apples from their apple tree. It turned out really good! I'll likely make more in the future. Saturday night Ryan had old man's hockey league. Ryan's parents went to watch while I stayed home and got a bunch of studying done. I was sleeping before they even got home. On Sunday, Ryan had another hockey game and I went with this time. This old man's league stuff makes me laugh. Some of the guys take it SUPER serious while others are playing just to have fun. There is a 59-year-old on Ryan's team. Crazy, right?!
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There's Ry! Number 28. Clark! I have no idea about Clark. |
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Hi Clark! |
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There's Clark, chilling on the boards. Ryan is the one with red gloves and a white helmet. |
2) Ryan and I have been sleeping with the windows open lately since the weather at night has been so mild. We left the sliding door open with the screen door closed the other night as sometimes Ryan can't find the heart to shut the door when he goes to bed when the kiddos {Zoey and Cooper} are sitting at the door enjoying the first air. Cooper especially loves the fresh air and the wind blowing on his face. Well, one day this past week when I got up for work, I went out to the kitchen after I got ready, turned on the kitchen light {it's still dark outside at this point} and freaked out. The screen door was open!!! I think my heart skipped a beat! Zoey was sitting by the door and looked like she wanted to go outside but was kind of a big chicken so she just sat there. Cooper on the other hand was nowhere to be found. I just knew he was outside. I was freaking out. I quick ran back to the bedroom and woke Ryan out of a deep sleep by yelling, "RYAN, THE SCREEN DOOR IS OPEN!!!" He flew out of bed! I was panicking that Cooper was a goner. I ran downstairs, grabbed the cat treats and started shaking them like mad all the while continuing to call for Cooper. {If the neighbors had their window open, we likely could have woken them up.} Well, during this whole ordeal, I ended up shutting the screen door. As I'm inside getting my shoes on to go searching for Cooper outside, he showed up at the screen door. He acted all cool like "Hey guys! What's up? What are you freaking out about?" *sigh*
3) Ryan works at a couple outreach clinics during the week. Today after work, he decided to stop off at Sam's Club to pick up a few things. Well, when he got home, he asked if I could help carry in all the goods. I must admit, I had just sat down on the couch and it felt SO good. I gave him a little sad face and can of whined and complained. {I know, I'm not a perfect wife, but hey, sometimes I'm just tired.} Well, anyways, Ryan finally said, "OK, I'll carry them in as long as I can change out of my dress clothes first." DEAL! So, I admit again, I sat on the couch doing nothing of importance. Ryan went back out to the garage. Less than 30 seconds later I hear glass shattering. I didn't know what all Ryan had purchased but I had a feeling that the jar of pickles just busted on the garage floor as I had just been telling Ryan earlier that we needed pickles. I get my lazy bum off the couch and head to the garage. Yep, it was the pickles alright. Gotta love the smell of dill filling the garage. There were baby dills and glass everywhere. So I get to cleaning it all up. That'll teach me not to be lazy for a few moments and help carry in the groceries next time! As I'm cleaning up that last pieces of glass and washing the floor with water, Ryan looks at me and said "At least I didn't buy the huge Sam's Club jar of pickles." *sigh* Yes, I am glad you refrained from purchasing the super size jar of pickles Ry :)
4) Oh, and here is something I am finding very disturbing. Cooper just recently {or what I would like to think is just recently} discovered that he is a boy and Zoey is a girl if you know what I mean :( It's rather disturbing. Really disturbing. Ryan thinks it's funny that I find this disturbing.
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