Cooper is so predictable sometimes. Without fail he is at the bathroom door in the morning when I finish showering. If the air conditioning is running, we can find him sleeping in front of the floor vent. If you are going to the bathroom, he is bound to come busting through the door if you don't shut it tight because he wants some attention. When we open the sliding door to the deck, he comes running. So predictable this cat of ours is. Well, he also is predictable in the fact that he is obsessed with my hair ties. He stalks them and looks for them on my night stand every night and every morning. He will even try to take them off my wrist if that's where he finds it. He loves playing with and chewing on my hair ties. This past Thursday, I was eating lunch at home {during my one 24 hour period per week that I have off of work} and he came out to the kitchen and was SOOO excited that he got one of my hair ties. He was meowing and tossing it around and making sure that I knew he had succeeded in getting my hair tie. When I approached him to get my hair tie before he chews it in half, he became very protective...
It's a little difficult to see because it is a clear hair tie, but it's between his paws. |
Oh Cooper, you make me laugh! |
He kept playing with it in the kitchen. He'd put it in his mouth, run like a mad man across the kitchen, stop and play with it some more all the while meowing obnoxiously to make sure that I was aware he'd been successful in getting my hair tie :)
Being Mr. Hair Tie Protector! |
Ohh Cooper, I love having you as our cat! |
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