Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Quick Update

Just a quick update {before we disconnect the internet} of what we've been up to lately.

This past weekend was a busy one for us. After a long day of packing on Friday, we met up with our friends Zac and Leah at the Elks in Austin for the evening. They were having karaoke that night. I could never have the guts to get up and sing in front of everyone. I give credit to those people who do because man some people were WAY off key. But as long as they were having fun :)

Ryan's dad broke his leg last weekend and is in a cast with zero weight bearing on that leg for another 3 weeks. So on Saturday we helped his parents out around their house. Ryan mowed the lawn and I helped clean up some trees they recently had taken down. I worked up a pretty good sweat and got a nice sunburn while doing so. After the trees were all cleaned up, I cleaned myself up {and checked for ticks - not a one, I was happy} and Ryan and I were on our way back to Owatonna. One of Ryan's friends from Omaha recently moved up to the cities and was at Cabela's, so we met up him for dinner at the Sportsman's. When we walked into the restaurant, I ran into my friend Katie M who I have known since before I was in kindergarten as we went to day care together. It was nice to catch up with Katie. After dinner, Ryan's friend Chester came back to our place {which was a total disaster since we've been packing} and we sat outside and enjoyed the beautiful night. Couldn't ask for better weather right now!

I've been helping my parents gut one of our building at their place. So on Sunday, I headed over to help them out. We worked a lot on Sunday {nine hours total} and made a ton of progress! The building is looking good! Before heading back to Owatonna, I stopped by my grandparent's place to visit with them for a while. Right as I got there, Grandpa was making popcorn! He makes the best popcorn in the world!! While Grandpa was popping away at the stove, Grandma filled me in on all the family gossip...Mike sold his house in Rochester, Hollis caught his first fish {a walleye} this last weekend with Dick, Dean is feeling good since his surgery, etc :) It's good to get the scoop on what's new in the family. After an hour or so, I decided I better hit the road as it was getting late and I had had a long day. By the time I got home, my body of so stiff and sore. Sitting in a car for an hour after doing all this manual labor was not good. I took a couple ibuprofen and went straight to bed!

I woke up Monday and my aches and pains from the night before were gone but I had a nasty head cold that set in :( So I've been blowing my nose constantly trying to alleviate some of the sinus congestion :( It's getting back but I'm not 100% yet. Yesterday there was more packing and well more packing. We took a break and drove to Austin to get Ryan's "fun car" {his Camaro that he's had since high school} out of storage at the Mower County Fair Grounds. While we were in Austin we also ate at Piggy Blues {delicious!} and was able to say by to our friend Josh. Then it was back home for more packing and packing and packing.....

As of today we are making good progress. This morning has been a busy one already. We stopped by the bank to turn in all of the coins we've collected over the past couple of years {cha-ching!} and got our cashier's check for the closing tomorrow. Then we took a load of stuff we didn't need to the Salvation Army {it feels so good to declutter}. Then we went to pick up our moving truck. I left Ryan at the rental place to get the truck and I came home to pack {or write this blog post - ha!}. I just heard his pull up outside so I better run! More about our move to come! (sorry for mis-spellings, etc - no time to proof right now)


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