Monday, March 26, 2012

Sometimes Life is a Roller Coaster Ride

This past week has been an emotionally draining week :( It started out with me working the weekend of St. Patrick's Day. Everyone in the neighborhood seemed to be out partying that Friday night; one set of neighbors were having a bonfire, the other was having a house party with loud music and yet another set of neighbors were outside enjoying the weather and drinking cold beverages. Me - I was trying to sleep. Ryan - he was in Minnesota for a friend's surprise 30th birthday party. So, after little sleep that Friday night, I got up early and went to work. I worked all day Saturday and got home around 7:30 pm just to go to bed, wake up early and do it all again Sunday. It was getting towards to end of my Sunday shift when my sister Kristin called to tell me that Grandma Frost had a stroke and that they were going to be transferring her to a hospital in the cities and they didn't know the extent of the stroke. I didn't get much sleep Sunday night as I was literally worried sick about Grandma. Cooper even came and snuggled on my chest as he likely sensed that I needed someone.

Monday morning came to soon. I laid in bed not wanting to get up as I'd barely slept. I was a mess when I went into work. I was still so nervous about Grandma that I could barely function without her on my mind. Kristin called me late Monday afternoon. Grandma's MRI showed three separate areas of infarct - one in the occipital lobe, one in the thalamus and one in the midbrain. Thankfully my program director was very understanding of the situation and let me go back to Minnesota. I left work, drove home, scooped the cat liter and stock piled their food and water, threw all my dirty clothes in a laundry basket {which was a lot since I had worked all weekend and got zippo laundry done} grabbed a few clean clothes, tossed everything in my car and hit the road back to Minnesota. By the time I picked Ryan up in Austin and got up to the cities it was nearly 9:30 pm. I was able to see my Grandma but didn't want to stay long so she could rest. It was so good to see her though.

The next few days were filled with a roller coaster of emotions. Up and down, up and down, up and down and then repeat. I was back in Minnesota for five nights and I never slept in the same place twice {cousins house, Ryan's parents, Grandma's hospital room, my parent's, Grandparent's apartment}. Overall, Grandma Frost has been making progress. She sure is a fighter! The way the plans are now, she will be discharged to the nursing home in LeSueur hopefully tomorrow. It was supposed to be today but the "permanent" feeding tube that was placed malfunctioned from the sounds of it and came out today :( So she is having it replaced tonight. Say a few extra prayers for her. I hope the procedure goes well and that she has minimal pain.


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