Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A Little Update {without pictures unfortunately}

It's been a while since I've updated here. Sort of a theme for the past six months of so. Intern year came to an end and second year is in full swing.

The last couple weeks of intern year were B.U.S.Y! I was working our modified intern night float hours which consist of working Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night, all day Tuesday (continuity clinic and ultrasound) and Wednesday morning (education). I worked this schedule for the three {or maybe it was four} weeks prior to taking my week vacation. Anyways, these last two weeks were crazy busy. Every night I was on, I rarely sat down. I'd get home after my shifts and my entire body would ache so I'd end up taking ibuprofen and going to bed. Afterall, 15-16 hours straight on your feet will tend to do that. Somewhere in the mist of all the busy-ness, I had a couple record nights of deliveries. One shift, I had four deliveries within 5-6 hours {I've had several four delivery nights but I don't think they have ever been within that time frame} and then the very next shift I had seven deliveries. I was a baby-delivering machine! Those shifts were fun - lots of deliveries make shifts fly by. That was by far the most baby-delivering I had done in such a short span of time. It was a great way to end my intern year!

With intern year behind me {Yay! No more intern pager! EVER!} I started my second year of residency off at a private hospital out west. The focus of this OB rotation is delivery lots and lots and lots of babies. This hospital does an incredible number of deliveries on a daily basis. The dynamic is quite different than back at the university but it's a good change of pace for me. I was getting worn pretty thin by the end of intern year so being in a brand new environment is kind of refreshing. Currently my days are filled with deliveries and c-sections. I have a little bit more freedom and I'm getting a lot more sleep at night. I feel like a while new person {and I'm guessing Ryan would probably agree with that statement - ha!}.

Ryan's post-doc reign is also coming to an end but he still remains on staff at the med center {YAY!}. He has been busy at work {believe it or not, I beat him home at least a couple days a week now}. He continues to play hockey 2-3 nights per week and is also studying for his EPPP in order to get his clinical psychologist license. Two weekends ago {I think it was two weekends ago}, Ryan and a couple buddies drove to Des Moines for the day for a hockey tournament. I'm glad that Ryan enjoys the hockey league that he plays in - it keeps him busy while I'm busy at work!

Ryan and I actually had date night this past week. We went to the movies {seemed like forever since we'd been to a movie - likely secondary to me working every single weekend, beside my vacation weekends, for the last 7-8 weeks of intern year} and saw Ted. I really wasn't sure what to expect, but it was rather funny. It was so nice to get out, see a movie, relax, eat popcorn {!!!} and laugh.  This past weekend, we opted for renting a movie for the RedBox and then we also bought Ghostbusters 1&2 on the cheap and had a Ghostbusters marathon in our own home theater since I was on call this past weekend.  I couldn't commit going to a 2-3 hours movie and risk getting a page in the middle of it! The weekend of call was pretty low-key. Just had to go in and round on patients in the mornings and then I was free to go home and be available by pager. Only got called back in once for a c-section so all in all it was a good weekend.

Zoey and Cooper are doing great. It is funny how Zoey and Cooper have their favorites. Ryan gets jealous that Cooper always jumps in my lap and cuddles but will never do that with him. And wherever Ryan is, Zoey isn't too far behind. I love our little furry friends. This morning after I got out of the shower, I opened the bathroom door and Cooper wasn't there {which is rarity as Cooper ALWAYS runs into the bathroom when someone is in there} but Zoey was. She made her way to the shower and started licking up some of the water droplets. Whenever Zoey does this, it means that their water is out downstairs. I chuckled to myself as Zoey was crawling into the shower, one because she never does it and two because she is rather round and looked a little clumsy doing this. I finished getting ready for work, filled the cats water feeder and then left for work. Later this morning, I got a text from Ryan stating the Zoey had fallen asleep in the shower - lol. That is so uncharacteristic of her but yet so funny for me to envision. Oh Zoey, we love you so much! I don't know what we would do without these two little guys.

Hope you are having a good week!

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