Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Baby Kicks

This past Saturday, Ryan and I were getting ready for bed and our little fella was moving around like crazy. As Ryan and I were talking, I said to him 'I can't wait until you can actually feel this!' Ryan then put his hand on my belly but I told him the movements were still pretty subtle and he likely wasn't going to feel them. But then I got to thinking and figured if we cramped the kids style, aka put some pressure on him, that maybe Ryan would be able to feel something. Cramping this kids style really gets him going and the reason I know this is because I'm normally a stomach sleeper and I'm trying to milk the last few minutes of stomach time while I can. The few times I've laid on my stomach recently {with the assistance of my body pillow because otherwise it's just too uncomfortable} this kiddo's kicks seem to become stronger. {Sorry for squishing you little guy!} Anyways, so I had Ryan press towards the top of my belly. I'd ask Ryan 'Did you feel that?!' every time I felt him move. Ryan would always reply something along the lines of 'yeah, I think I felt that.' So then I figured I was going to stop telling him and see if he would tell me when if felt movement. Well just when I decided to do that, our kiddo totally karate kicked Ryan's hand! Ryan said "oh my gosh, was that him!!?!!" And it totally was. It was awesome. I will never forget the look and smile on Ryan's face after feeling that. Twenty four weeks down. We're over half way there!! {yikes, we've got so much to do :/}


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