Sunday, September 1, 2013

We're having a BOY!

The week before leaving for vacation, we had out baby's anatomy scan. I left it up to Ryan whether or not to find out if this little fetus was a boy or girl and he immediately said he wanted to know. So gender reveal it is! One of my co-residents took our gender reveal photos and made cupcakes with gender specific frosting on the inside for us to take on vacation. There wasn't a lot of time between the ultrasound and us leaving for vacation so when she volunteered to make cupcakes for us, I was more than grateful!

Ryan and I had stopped at Ryan's parent's house to pick up their boat and eat lunch on our way up north for vacation. For dessert, we busted out the cupcakes. There's no pictures but we let Ryan take the first bite, and he got this huge smile on his face and turned the center of the cupcake towards me so I could see. Blue frosting, so... IT'S A BOY!!

Both Ryan and I thought we were having a girl. Ha. We were wrong but we are more than thrilled with having a boy. Ryan promises to have him in skates at an early age :)

We then brought the remaining cupcakes all the way up north with us so we could do a little gender reveal celebrating with my side of the family. Ryan decided to take some pictures of everyone eating their cupcakes. We ate the cupcakes for dessert after our first dinner on the houseboat. First we took a poll and it was Girl 2 vs Boy 3. I believe Kirstin, Hillary and my mom all said boy and my dad and Ryan C said girl.

Everybody getting ready to cut into their cupcakes.

It's a BOY!!

I like how Ryan C is checking out my dad's cupcake to make sure it's the same color as his.

The proof that the frosting was in fact blue :)


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