Monday, May 30, 2011


Time is ticking down before residency starts. I have so many great memories from medical school but I'm sure my four years of residency will be filled with wonderful memories as well. I met some of the best people during medical school - some of the best friends anyone could ask for. I'm kind of sad that everyone is moving away to their residency destinations. Even if they aren't moving far or are staying in Minnesota, I'm moving away from them!

This last week I had a little going-away lunch with Bekah in the cities. Bekah is moving to Michigan where she will be doing five years of residency in urology. I know that she will do great. She is the best and here are a few reasons why:

- She can always make me laugh regardless of what the situation is at hand. She has a way of putting a comical spin on anything. When she tells me stories, I can actually picture her doing/saying whatever it is. Laughter is the best medicine and Bekah sure has it down pat.
- She never takes life too seriously and is always up to have a little fun {Oh, the memories I have of her :)}
- She is a very strong person. For a majority of our second year of medical school, her fiance was deployed over in Iraq. I don't know how she managed to get through him being away at war while still keeping up with medical school and everything else going on in her life. {I'll never forget her bringing care packages into class prior to mailing them off to Greg - they were packed full of goodies!} On top of all of this, she is in the military and spent weekends at drill and she also worked for the medical examiner. She not only is strong but she is pretty darn organized.
- She is a very generous individual. Just one example of this is that during medical school she made sure to pay-it-forward by giving to those less fortunate on a monthly basis and never expected anything in return. I strive to be like this more often.
- We can pick up where we left off regardless of how long it has been since we last talked.
- She's super talented! She knits the most beautiful mittens in the world and can make stockings and scarves like nobodies business. She can sew and quilt - she just finished a huge king size quilt and that is NOT an easy task. She makes good food too {and invites people over to eat it}! And she can also refinish furniture. She's one crafty lady!
-She is full of hugs. She hugs everyone!! {Even if they don't like hugs - I'm thinking about one of her roommates during med school - ha!} Bear Hugs!

I could continue on, but the bottom line is I am blessed to have Bekah in my life! She is one of the best and I'm going to miss her when she's in Michigan and I'm in Nebraska.


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