Thursday, April 7, 2011

Happy Birthday Ryan!

Today is Ryan's 3rd annual 29th birthday, as he likes to call it :-)

Yesterday while Ryan was at work I was a busy baker in the kitchen. I baked three dozen cupcakes, from scratch, for the first time ever, for Ryan to take to work today. I do a lot of baking but I've never baked cupcakes from scratch so I was a little nervous that they weren't going to turn out. I made white cupcakes and chocolate cupcakes - both for very different recipes I've collected from one of the many baking blogs I read. Both turned our yummy! I topped them with homemade buttercream frosting - mmm mmm good :-)

The calm before the storm - I make a mess when I bake!!

The white cupcakes look pretty darn good!

Mixing up the chocolate cupcakes :-)

Woah - that's a lot of buttercream frosting. I did not use all of this but I didn't want to run out half way through frosting the cupcakes!

The finished product! Yum!!

All packed up and ready for Ryan to take to work with him.
Ryan made me chuckle this morning. First he almost ran out the door this morning without the cupcakes (what we would have done with all these cupcakes?!) and then about 45 minutes later I get a call from him.
Ryan: "Hun, do we have any cupcakes at home?"
Ashley: "Yeah, we have three. Why?"    I'm thinking that he dropped them and got the frosting all messed up or something
Ryan: "Well, I have this other tupperware with eight cupcakes, and I'll just leave it in the car so that we have some for home."   :)

I taste-tested the white cupcake last night and Ryan taste-tested the chocolate one. He must have really liked them since he wanted to hoard those eight cupcakes and bring them home. The last time I made cupcakes from a box mix, we ended up throwing away a bunch of them as they didn't turn out good at all.

Happy Birthday Ryan! I love you!!


1 comment:

  1. They look like they were made at a bakery! Good job! Share the recipes!!! :)
